The best of our stuff
As you know MediaSnackers is taking a little break but a dig through the 1,000 blog entries made me realise that not only was there a lot of juicy stuff in the vault, so many of them are still fresh and relevant today.
So here’s a list of the top 50 posts over the past 5 years to fill your brain:
1. ?
2. Why Social Media Shouldn’t Be Outsourced: still yet to be proved wrong
3. The Business Of Being Human: so important to understand this
4. Why The Arts Needs to Embrace Social: a video of one of my keynotes (applies to all sectors)
5. Social School Design: educators need to take note
6. My Top Ten Speaking Tips: not for everyone
7. Finding Customers/Clients/Audiences Is Easy: with Twitter
8. Twitter And Teens: still relevant
9. How To Deliver Kick Ass Social Media Training: a blueprint
10. An Awesome Social Media List Of Social Media Lists: no other list needed
11. Asking The Right (Social Media) Questions: insightful reframing
12. Social Media Barriers and Benefits Video: me making sense (for a change)
13. Intersection vs Destination: how to get numbers to your site
14. Social Media Experts: obvious stuff
15. There Are No Natives: stop kidding yourselves
16. A Readers Challenge: something to do
17. The World Has Changed…: juicy ideas
18. Social Media Killed B2B: and yet others still try to sell B2B specific social services
19. 1,000 Tweets: an old milestone
20. Digital Breadcrumbs: this has become a staple saying
21. My Mates Are My Media: so long ago but still has relevance
22. Meme: Passion Quilt-Don’t Teach, Inspire!: a little participation
23. Ladders of Participation: remixing old models for new
24. How To Use Social Media (According to 6th Graders): fun
25. Social Networking VS Social Media: do you know the difference?
26. Digital Inclusion Wales Conference 2010: another video from one of my sessions
27. Shift Happens Interview: and another one
28. Google Docs Saves Money And Time: now you know what’s your organisations excuse for not adopting it?
29. My First Online Social Network: all thos eyears ago
30. The Change Business: hug a tree
31. Getting Paid: how to
32. Without Words: saving time and money again plus doing things better
33. MediaSnackers Button Theory: another staple
34. Dont Pull, Push: obviously
35. The MediaSnackers Manifesto: this was fun to write
36. Evil Social Media: throw rocks at it
37. Youth Work And The Web 09: still yet to manifest
38. Social Media Magpie: still am
39. Non-linear Navigation: way ahead of our time
40. IT Departments: one for the geeks
41. Kidnectivity: nice
42. YouTubers: great video
43. Consultation Is Dead: and yet we still give people pieces of paper to fill in with lots of questions and think it’s the best way to find out stuff
44. The Hidden Digital Divide: yes, yes and yes
45. MediaSnackers Meme Explained: we started something
46. How Social Media ROI Materialises: one example
47. The BIGGEST Challenge: so obvious yet forgotten
48. The MS Meme from the #20: tracking the trend
49. MediaSnackers : A Definition: what it says on the tin
50. MediaSnackers Explained: now over 11,000 views
Btw, the reason why number one a “?” is that I figured I’ve yet to write my best stuff and thought it serves as a challenge to myself…
Over the coming months this blog will be reignited with insights into the new iteration of MediaSnackers—be sure you’re subscribed.
What has been useful to you? Any surprises?
Wow-I didn’t know where to start, so much ‘good oil’ here! This page has def been bookmarked and will be shared with many in my ICT clusters, ngā mihi e hoa!
Tamara – many thanks for the comment and glad the above is of use :-)
DK, Do you ever sleep? How/where do you find/create the energy needed to do all that you do? I think that should be your ? blog post. :-) In the meantime, I, too, have bookmarked this list for future reference/inspiration/mojo osmosis. Thank you!
Michelle – sleep? Let me know which ones have the greater impact when you have time to digest :-)