AMA Conference 08


Speaking and masterclass.

(WORLD) Up in the north east at the AMA annual conference taking two seminars on 'online behaviours' and throwing in a masterclass whilst I'm at it full of social media goodness.

Here's a testimonial with some blush-inducing quotes from the feedback forms (thank you guys):

Top marks for DK's seminar sessions at this year's AMA conference at The Sage Gateshead with some delegates either adding an 'excellent' column to their feedback forms for his session and others remarking that they 'would give a higher mark if one was available'!

Both Dk's sessions filled up and over their original 100-person capacity and quotes from delegates attending include:

'This is the best session I have ever been to! "I'll show you, rather than tell you" was his catchphrase—I've never learnt so much in my life! Thank you.'

'Really fun and practical session, I came away with lots of practical tips.'

'I learned more in this session than I have in the last 6 months. He should be canonised or knighted!!'

'Lively, interesting, covered a lot of ground with great practical examples.'

'Truly excellent – engaging and broke down lots of technical barriers.'

'Fantastic. Inspiring yet practical.'

'Brilliant, enthusiastic speaker. Informative, interesting and exciting.'
Helen Bolt, Marketing Manager, AMA


Humbled by the fact both of my seminars were fully booked out—the second one we had to shoehorn in extra chairs as it tipped over the 100 limit.


AMA annual conference

West Sussex Youth Services Training Part Two


Film review.

(GBR) We really enjoyed our two dayer with the guys from West Sussex Youth Service a couple of days ago. Great energy and enthusiasm for adapting and adopting all this social media stuff (it helps to have the UKs first youth worker blogger).

DK and the Mediasnackers Team led an intense but stimulating 2 day training course for youth service staff.

We’ve only just started to explore what’s possible in terms of developing this side of our work with young people, and the team facilitated us in a way that allowed us to ‘play’ as well as debate the usefulness of specific sites etc.

All participants left at the end of Day 2 with ideas buzzing around their heads about putting the learning into practice. It will be interesting to review progress, particularly in relation to how the voice of young people can be promoted through social media.
Jane Melvin, Senior Manager

Related posts: Part One, West Sussex Youth Services Conference, MS Podcast#109 and

Don’t Pull, Push


With social media.

(WORLD) Many of our clients ask questions relating to online 'marketing / retention strategies', 'capturing eyeballs', and 'engagement pathways'? They are focussed on a 'pull' strategy which takes a lot of time, resource and financial investment.

For many of them we propse a alternative way…

Enable others to tell your story through embeddable content. This is all about 'pushing' rather than 'pulling'. It's a strategy which is cheaper, quicker, measurable, greener and more importantly part of the conversation banquet.

Got a flyer or programme of events—why isn't it on Issuu?
About to launch a new project/service—why isn't it on YouTube?
Communicating a policy or development strategy—why isn't it on

People want things on their own terms and the broadcasters are leading the way here with developments like iPlayer or 4OD (the whole model of Current TV is based on creating 'pushable' content).

Whatever sector you work in, keep asking: how much of this can we push out there?

Related posts: Tell Your Story As It Happens and The Conversation Banquet

Wigan Pfs INSET


Training review.

(GBR) At the beginning of the week we where back in Wigan delivering our social media teacher training to the guys from the Wigan Warriors Champs Playing for Success center (Playing for Success is a National Government initiative initially set up with the FA Premier League, the Nationwide League, their Clubs and LEA's to raise standards in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT).

Here's our little film review:

An innovative and exciting day had by all, Illustrating the importance of media and ICT for the young people of today. All platforms are useful for both teaching and management and are already being used within the centre.
Darren Fletcher, Champs Centre Manager

MediaSnackers Training

MS Podcast#115 / Rezed Podcast#9


The hub for learning and virtual worlds podcast series.

(WORLD) The ninth RezEd podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Donna Stevens is Director of Implementation, Quest Atlantis at Indiana University discussing the implementation process as it relates to teacher trainings, the students and the classroom.

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—1.28 RezEd news from Amira at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
1.29—2.54 podcast interview: what are the educational goals for the programme?
2.55—4.47 challenges involved
4.48—6.06 what Quest Atlantis looks like
6.07—9.12 outcomes
9.13—11.34 differences compared to other platforms
11.35—13.56 what can we learn form Quest Atlantis
13.57—14.04 thanks
14.05—17.08 Amira detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
17.09—17.17 outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MS Podcast#116 / Rezed Podcast#11


The hub for learning and virtual worlds podcast series.

(WORLD) The eleventh RezEd podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Featuring an interview conducted by Barry Joseph of Global Kids at the recent GLS Conference with a mother and son about their experience and focus on virtual worlds.

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—2.49 RezEd news from Amira and Rafi at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
2.50—3.52 intros to Lane and Liz
3.53—4.32 virtual worlds and learning
4.33—5.47 parenting and gaming
5.48—7.11 Lane’s use of Second Life
7.12—7.43 land use
7.44—8.34 homeschooling and virtual worlds
8.35—9.03 playing vs learning
9.04—9.40 specific work examples
9.41—12.10 leading the homeschool education and impact of virtual worlds
12.11—13.41 relating to family life and curriculum
13.42—15.00 opportunities for learning/interacting in virtual worlds
15.01—16.59 other virtual worlds, their differences and learning elements
17.00—22.26 advice for use of virtual worlds in home and for learning
22.27—22.32 thanks
22.33—24.57 Amira and Rick detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
24.58—25.06 outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MS Podcast#114


Amazing photographs exploring the relationship between youth and technology.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Evan Bevan is a photographer based out of St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, discussing here a specific piece of work titled, The Illuminati–exploring the relationship between youth and technology.

0.00—0.30 intro
0.30—2.13 The Illuminati background
1.21—2.13 choosing the theme
2.14—3.22 getting the images
3.23—4.49 how the work has been received
4.50—6.58 other people’s reactions: File Magazine and PSFK
6.59—8.18 inspiration and other work
8.19—9.21 future plans
9.22—9.41 outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

There Are No Natives


Paradigm shift time.]

(WORLD) Mark Prensky’s 2001 Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (links directly to the .pdf) paper offers an accessible and understandable metaphor for those exploring social media and young people.

Much quoted by many people including myself…

…25 minutes into this gem of a presentation, Michael Wesch (creator of such hits as Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us, Information R/evolution and A Vision of Students Today) lets rip with the statement which nearly floored me:

…there are no natives…

The most popular platforms, which young people populate and use, are so new it makes us all natives. Couple this with the ever-changing media menu there becomes a huge amount of opportunity to utilise creativity and add context to these environments through critical thinking.

I’m paraphrasing (badly) so please check out the presentation for yourselves here and start to think differently about social media, young people and your nativeness/immigrantness.

Shame the video was not embeddable University of Manitoba.

10.7.08: They gave Mike permission to post it on YouTube so here it is:

SYELP Keynote / Masterclasses


Speaking and showing off.

(GBR) MediaSnackers is up in Sheffield keynoting a South Yorkshire e-learning Programme (SYeLP) event for secondary school teachers and leaders as part of the Building Schools for the Future Programme.

We’re also running two masterclasses to illutsrate the power of social media.

I would like to thank you for an inspiring session—delivered at breathtaking speed with great charisma and enthusiasm. The Masterclasses were variously described by Conference delegates as "inspirational" and "excellent" and the verbal feedback I have had, has been exceptionally positive.

The pdf resource is a super resource and will be uploaded to the Handheld Learning and Social Media blog which I will be embellishing with the ideas that I picked up from yesterday. I know of others who are going to create blogs too, one of whom works for the BSF Planning team.

It was a pleasure to meet you and Guy, you deliver what you say you will deliver and you impressed your audience.

Tricia Anderson, Sheffield Project Manager, South Yorkshire e-learning Programme

MediaSnackers Speaking

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!