Palmy North Library


NZ gig 5 & 6.

(NZL) Today I've been invited to deliver two sessions for/at Palmerston North Library.

The first is a overarching presentation introducing and exploring social media and the second is a focussed masterclass for the internal website development team.

You certainly lived up to your manifesto: 'Everything we do must kick ass!' Your presentation was fun, powerful, inspiring and riveting. Someone commented that they had never seen our staff that worked-up and animated before!  On the strength of your talk today and the excitement it has generated amongst staff, I managed to get our management team's support for us to proceed with all the cool things we’ve been wanting to do.

Leith Haarhoff, Head of Information Services, Palmerston North City Library

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

Global Education Centre Sessions


NZ gig 4.

(NZL) Currently at the Global Education Centre (soon to be Global Focus Aotearoa) in Wellington, NZ to do a combined presentation and masterclass to a selection of the groovy staff here.

DK from MediaSnackers delivered and inspiring and useful training that not only fired us up but opened our eyes to what is possible for
development NGO’s like ours.

Gino Maresca, Community-Youth Programme Manager, Global Education Centre

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

Ulearn 09


NZ gig 1, 2 and 3.

(NZL) Today I'm delivering a special pre-conference training day for the Ulearn 09 conference in Christchurch, New Zealand—introducing a select group of teachers to all this scrummy social media goodness.

We were pleased that DK could join us for Ulearn09 in Christchurch NZ for the 8th Ulearn Conference held at the Christchurch Convention Centre attended by 2000 NZ Educators. DK was an important part of our Conference programme delivering a preconference full day workshop, a spotlight presentation and a hands-on Social Media master class.

The audience response was overwhelming with all attendees mesmerised by the slick enthusiatic presentation style and the wealth of information provided. Many of the respondents replied that they couldn't wait to get back to their schools and centres to experiment with their new found knowledge.

DK received a 100% excellent rating from the audiences at his presentations. Comments such as…

“Keep on playing”
“Very Cool”
“Great ideas, great enthusiasm”
“DK was inspirational. It would be good to help him achieve world domination!”
“DK knows about Youth and what they do.”
“Enjoyed listening to DK and he kept my attention throughout the 90 mins.”

Ali Hughes, General Manager/CEO, Core-Ed

Then tomorrow I'll also be delivering a Spotlight presentation plus a masterclass straight after it. Phew!

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

MediaSnackers Training

Getting Paid


Being strong and standing firm.

(WORLD) As a small company getting paid is kind of a big thing.

About a year into MediaSnackers I developed our 'plain english' payment policy which has been shared with several friends and colleagues (who have found themselves struggling to get paid for the work they had done).

Here it is for anyone who hasn't got one:

This payment policy is written in ‘plain english’ to ensure clarity and understanding.

It's for use by MediaSnackers relating to any parties, organisations, companies
or individuals wanting MediaSnackers involvement in consulting, training and/
or speaking/participation at any kind of event/project(s).

The payment policy is simple: 50% up front and 50% upon completion plus
expenses (which include transport fares, accommodation costs and food
expenses if applicable).

An invoice for 50% of the agreed fee will be issued to the client and needs to
be paid in full up front to secure the booking (within the 14 day period as
stated on each invoice). If payment is not received MediaSnackers reserves the
right not to be involved and to release the date for other clients bookings.
Upon completion of the contracted services, a further invoice will be issued to
the client for the remaining 50% of the agreed fee plus details of any expenses

We understand and will exercise our statutory right to interest and
compensation for debt recovery costs under the Late Payment of Commercial
Debts (Rate of Interest) (No. 3) Order 2002, if we are not paid according to
agreed credit terms and schedule. MediaSnackers also reserves the right to
add £100 in additional administrative fees if this course of action needs to be

That's it folks…

Why aren’t all policies this easy?

Thank you in advance for your time and looking forward to working with you.

MediaSnackers Team.

Addendum, we've had some fun over the years with organisations and companies stating their own payment policies which have ranged from 30 days to three months. For us it's simple : when you buy from us it's under our terms.

Nothing to do with arrogance or being bullish here but simply protecting the crucial cashflow needed in a small company.

MediaSnackers Services

Image credit

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!