MS Podcast#128 / Rezed Podcast#23

The hub for learning and virtual worlds podcast series.

(WORLD) The twenty third RezEd podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Aaron Walsh, Director of the Media Grid and Immersive Education Initiative and in 2007 was named one of the 40 most innovative people in the information technology industry by Computerworld. Project Wonderland is a project run by Sun Microsystems that aims at developing a tool kit for the creation of custom virtual worlds (MUVEs).

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—3.56 RezEd news with Rik and Amira at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
4.06—4.21 intros
4.30—7.18 learning about the education gird
7.19—8.08 why/how it developed
7.01—10.27 people/story behind the Media Grid and Immersive Education Initiative
10.28—12.27 how the grid is rolling out
12.28—17.46 how it will be used
17.47—21.37 thanks
21.38—23.59 Rik and Amira detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
24.00—24.08 outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

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CompTIA Internal Masterclass


Big speaking gig.

(GBR) After keynoting an event for them, I’m honoured to be delivering an internal masterclass session for the UK team at CompTIA today.

Thank you very much for the first class masterclass today. The team were raving about the new ideas and how relevant it was to their work and I especially enjoyed the informal style and workshop format you set up.

Fantastic job – from all the team, many thanks.

Matthew Poyiadgi, Vice President EMEA, CompTIA

Related post: CompTIA Keynote

MediaSnackers Speaking

MS Podcast#127 / Rezed Podcast#22

The hub for learning and virtual worlds podcast series.

(WORLD) The twenty second RezEd podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Frank Whiting teaches Computer Science at Shasta College, in Northern California and is also the dean of the University of There.

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—3.56 RezEd news with Rik and Amira at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
3.57—4.29 intros
4.30—5.38 Franks background
5.39—7.00 what is and its differentiators
7.01—9.09 the online community
9.10—9.57 history of University of There
9.58—11.50 the potential of the University
11.51—13.06 other educational models of using
13.07—14.42 future
14.43—16.07 limitations and barriers of using virtual worlds
16.08—16.36 thanks
16.37—18.04 Rik and Amira detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
18.05—18.13 outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

The MediaSnackers Meme #13


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

Life is becoming bite-sized – people like to snack on books, perhaps a chapter at a time; we know that already today some 10% of viewers watch popular TV shows like Doctor Who outside of their traditional broadcast time, that TV is becoming as portable as music; and that learning will also take this path in future.
Our friend Matthew Poyiadgi exploring the news how one school is enabling their students to use their mobiles to download course information.

Somewhere, somehow, the media industry decided to accept as fact the conventional wisdom that mediasnacking is where it’s at.  Crazy kids today, such wisdom goes, have the attention span of a guinea pig on crystal meth, and that to these A.D.D. viewers a three minute video is the equivalent of a marathon session of all three extended DVDs of “The Lord of the Rings”.
Brad Bevens continuing the snacklash.

La deuxième vague du Web a révolutionné notre manière de communiquer (Twitter), de consommer des médias (YouTube, Flickr) ou de nouer des relations (Facebook). Les principaux changements résident dans la nouvelle manière de picorer l’info tout au long de la journée (le « media snacking » !). C’est le privilège de cette génération « on demand », qui sacre la « vod », la « catch-up TV », les réseaux sociaux, … pour accéder à l’information, aux divertissements, au sport, à la culture, aux connaissances, via les moteurs de recherche et les médias sociaux. L’accès devient aussi, sinon plus important, que les contenus.
A French article on mediasnacking (english translation).

The meme and us are featured in this keynote presentation at the Thin Air Summit in Denver, Nov 8, 2008 from Jeremiah Owyang.

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

Mark 9

Speaking (so close to Asia).

(TUR) I'm here in Istanbul, Turkey, keynoting the youth section of the Mark 9 conference (Many thanks to Turkey based marketing agency Youth Republic for the invite and for making it happen).

Istanbul is the only city on the planet to be on two continents (I'm gutted the conference is not on the Asian side as I would've been closer to my dream of working on every continent in five years with MediaSnackers…we've done three (four if you include our Pacific Youth project)).

It was a great and inspiring presentation. We are really greatful to involve you in our ‘Youth Marketing Conference’ project. Thank you for your meaningful contribution to the Conference. It was its 1st year in Marketing Conference, hope to see you next year.

Burcu Ozturkler, Youth Republic

MediaSnackers Speaking

MS Podcast#126 / Rezed Podcast#21

The hub for learning and virtual worlds podcast series.

(WORLD) The twenty first RezEd podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Jackie Marsh, Professor of Education at Sheffield University, UK, discussing here her “Out of school play in online virtual worlds and the implications for literacy learning” paper centered around children aged 5 to 11 (she also authors the Digital Beginnings blog).

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—4.19 RezEd news Rik at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
4.19—4.27 intros
4.28—4.51 background to Jackies focus
4.52—5.55 overview of the research
5.56—7.09 research findings
7.10—9.21 reading / writing and other practises
9.22—12.39 results from observation
12.40—14.49 opportunities for education
14.50—18.44 future
18.45—18.53 thanks
18.54—20.45 Rik detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
20.46—20.53 outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!