Shift Happens 2.0 2009


Opening the second day.

(GBR) This morning I have the honour of opening the second day of the Shift Happens 2.0 conference (full programme) at the York Theatre Royal.

I’ve got thirty minutes to cover the changes in the media landscape plus pack as many relevant case study example in there as possible.

Thanks so much DK for delivering a cracking start to day 2 of Shift Happens. A lesson in presentation for us all, and deeply inspiring, invigorating and informative. Thank you very much for helping to make Shift…Happen.

Marcus Romer, Organiser of Shift Happens 2.0

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

JuniorSenior Masterclass


Aiming to impress.

(NED) We’re at the fantastic Amsterdam headquarters of our lovely-European-youth-marketing partner, JuniorSenior—delivering an exlusive corporate masterclass for a select few brands and agencies.

We’ll be focussing on the latest developments and how easy it is for a brand to explore and utilise social media across online platforms.

The Social Media Masterclass was exactly what our clients needed. Well presented, to the point and easy to understand.

Ab Kuijer, CEO JuniorSenior

Related project page : JuniorSenior

MS Podcast#140


New social media school course.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Andrew Davis is the founder of The Worst Kept Secret and is putting together a innovative course on social media for students here in the UK.

0.00—0.17 intro
0.19—3.45 Andrew’s background
3.46—6.59 history of developing the new social media course
7.00—8.32 themes and focus
8.33—10.59 so why do young people need training?
11.00—12.37 future plans and impact hope
12.38—12.47 thanks and outro

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Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Finding Customers/Clients/Audiences Is Easy


Leveraging the power of twitter search.

(WORLD) I was conversing recently with a leading online recruitment brand exploring helping them out with their social media strategy (they didn’t have one and the board had requested a presentation on the topic).

After some initial discussions it went quiet.

I then shared an idea to illustrate the awesome power of social media in relation to finding new customers and with the hope to reignite the conversation—this is the email I sent below (verbatim):

IDEA – click below:

Potential customers of your service?

Easily contactable, open and available for offers…

The possibilities of social media and creativity ;-)

Over a month has passed and no response.

Thought I’d share it here.

MediaSnackers Consulting

The MediaSnackers Meme #17


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

By then, people were already devoting more of their online time to pimping out their MySpace profiles or snacking on YouTube’s videos.

Talking about the demise of ebay.

I’ve also spoken recently about my hiatus from RSS and how I’ve significantly reduced the number of feeds I monitor and instead I “media-snack”

One guys approach to managing his information flow with gmail.

It’s 3am in Boston, two days after graduation and I’m still up digging through my reader, pretty feverishly checking out posts and videos on the Web. I’m media snacking and studying up on new concepts, thoughts, ideas and news in digital.

Even graduates are mediasnacking.

Metacafe, seeking to reach more “media-snacking” consumers, is launching a section of its video site devoted to short clips from “Nurse Jackie,” “Weeds,” “Big Brother” and other television shows.

A move towards serving bite-sized video offerings.


Tweeted by jruckman

RT @markevans “The News is Here, Here and Here” (*good blog post re: what @davidalston calls Media Snacking*)

Tweeted by SionneRoberts

Media Snacking right now: Game 6 on, Twitter up, FB online, doing a client preso and Skype chatting to Netherlands pal. My head hurts.

Tweeted by Webconomist

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

Hamble College


Digital journalist training.

(WORLD) Barney and Mark are working with a group of students from Hamble College today and delivering our digital journalists youth training.

The training will enable the group to cover a school event the following day plus continue those roles for future functions.

Our staff and students would just like to thank Mediasnackers for their, polished professional yet relaxed training day with our Digital Leaders. The students were empowered by their staff to take on more practical roles as Digital Journalists and their confidence has really blossomed.

Kristian Still, Director of E-Learning, Hamble College

Pics, video and feedback to follow.

MediaSnackers Training

Spreading the Love


Glasgow Grows Audiences Conference 2009

(SCO) I’m delivering a couple of masterclasses at (probably the best titled conference), Spreading the Love: the Art of Appeal! in Sctoland for Glasgow Grows Audiences.

Here’s the full programme and check out the equally snazzy title of my sessions:"The Love Bug".

As usual DK was upbeat, inspiring and added value. Delegates were left with a feeling that anything is possible. If all speakers were like him we'd never have to worry.

Julie Tait, Director, Glasgow Grows Audiences Ltd

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

MS Podcast#139 / Rezed Podcast#33


The hub for learning and virtual worlds monthly podcast series.

(WORLD) The thirty third RezEd monthly podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Featuring Raph Koster, founder and president of Metaplace plus an ‘In Dialogue’ session with Donna Stevens, Director of Implementation, for Quest Atlantis at Indiana University and Steven Caldwell, Coordinator of Online Learning, MLC school, Sydney.

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—1.58 RezEd news with Amira and Krista at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
1.59—2.10 intros with Raph Koster
2.11—3.20 background to Metaplace
3.21—4.18 differentiators
4.19—5.16 examples of use
5.17—7.00 educational use(s)
7.01—7.44 future
7.45—7.51 thanks/outro
In Dialogue
7.52—9.17 intros from Rik with Donna Stephens and Steven Caldwell
9.18—11.15 background to Quest Atlantis (DS)
11.16—14.02 advantages of using this as an educational tool (DS & SC)
14.03—15.59 reflective practices and its impact (DS)
16.00—18.02 narrative concepts and values (SC)
18.03—19.33 positioning of assistance and role of the teacher (DS)
19.34—22.29 advice for educators (SC & DS)
22.30—22.48 thanks / outro
22.49—24.30 Amira and Krista detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
24.31—24.38 outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!