Wigan Pfs INSET


Training review.

(GBR) At the beginning of the week we where back in Wigan delivering our social media teacher training to the guys from the Wigan Warriors Champs Playing for Success center (Playing for Success is a National Government initiative initially set up with the FA Premier League, the Nationwide League, their Clubs and LEA's to raise standards in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT).

Here's our little film review:

An innovative and exciting day had by all, Illustrating the importance of media and ICT for the young people of today. All platforms are useful for both teaching and management and are already being used within the centre.
Darren Fletcher, Champs Centre Manager

MediaSnackers Training

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out justadandak.com where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!