WAG: Entrepreneurial Champions


Delivering high expectations

(WAL) Today myself and DK are visiting Bridgend College to work with the Entrepreneurial Champions on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government. These champions aim to promote entrepreneurship to their students across Wales. Once empowered, we hope they will go on to enable others to steer their motivation in the most effective, communicative and financially lucrative way possible.

Continue reading WAG: Entrepreneurial Champions

MS Podcast#149

McDonalds and social media

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Heather Oldani is the Director of PR for McDonalds (USA) and colead on their digital strategy.

0.00—0.46 intro
0.47—3.07 the digital strategy
3.08—5.30 monitoring the brand online and how do they react to it
5.31—9.12 examples of engagement
9.13—11.45 priorities relating to internal adoption
11.46—13.41 future plans
13.42—13.53 outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Continue reading MS Podcast#149

Vistage Speaking Group#39


Inspiring more suits

(GBR) Serving up another juicy half-day social-media-taster for a group of CEOs on behalf of Vistage International this morning in Putney.

DK and Mark helped us today to understand what social media is all about and showed us in a very practical way how we could use it. The 'new normal' for all our businesses requires us to consider and implement more person to person communication in our marketing mix.

John Thorpe, Group Chairman

Related posts : Past Vistage Speaking Group Gigs

Rethinking Youth Culture Talk


It's all academic

(GBR) Chuffed to be speaking at the fourth seminar in the (deep breath) 'Rethinking Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media' series (no website), here at Open University, Milton Keynes.

The morning session will be on 'New directions in youth culture research', delivered by PhD students, the afternoon session is focussed on 'Youth as a consumer market' in which I'll be presenting.

DK gave a polished, engaging, multi-media presentation about youth and social media for our research seminar series "Rethinking Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media" (funded by the Economic and Social Research Council). Those attending—a mix of established academics and newer researchers in the field of youth culture, and people from national youth organisations—found it fascinating and thought-provoking, and DK gave us some clear issues to take our discussions forward.

Professor David Buckingham, Director of the Centre for the Study of Children Youth and Media, Institute of Education

Related post : Rethinking Youth Culture

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

Vistage Speaking Group#2


Inspiring the suits

(GBR) We’re in Windsor delivering another half-day social media taster for a group of CEO’s on behalf of Vistage International.

An important aspect of Speaker sessions/workshops at Vistage meetings is helping our (CEO) members to be aware and abreast of the many developments and changes in the world of business, through technology. This awareness is vital to their having a competitive advantage.

MediaSnackers, in their presentation to one of my CEO groups in February 2010, amply fulfilled that objective and fully engaged the participants.

Ian Simons, Vistage Chair

Related posts : Past Vistage Speaking Group Gigs

Ladders of Participation

Old and new models

(WORLD) Back at the turn of the century I was busy working my way around a couple of local authorities here in the UK. I ended up in one where the Chief Executive took a shining to me and basically allowed me to write a job description for the post of 'Corporate Youth Officer', focussed on embedding youth participation into the councils operations—it was the first ever post of its kind in the UK.

One of the things I held dear at that time was Roger Harts 'Ladder of Participation' (which is still very much in use today and which every youth professional knows backwards across the globe):

Image credit

Spring forward into the latter end of the last decade and I'm delivering keynotes and masterclasses to several youth services across the country (and world) and mashing up the above ladder with another one which show how people use the web (below is the latest verion):

Image credit

Looks familiar, huh? Maybe great minds were thinking alike here or maybe the Forrester guys were inspired by Mr Hart?

All I know is that participation as a term and model can be substituted for many of the social media phrases such as conversation, community and/or user-generated content, and maybe that's why I feel so at home in this space as I've been doing stuff like this for over a decade.

Social Media Killed B2B



(WORLD) Social media means there is no such thing as business-to-business (B2B) anymore.

Instead it's all peer to peer (P2P).

Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc have all created a democratic level playing field for all involved.

The thing is though, p2p has always been the best way to think of business anyway.

Think of your best customers. You have a personal relationship with them right? You don't sell to their business you sell to them. They in turn don't buy from your business but from you.

Even if you sell products through an online store and all people have to do is press an order button, social media is a great tool to get them to your site / tell the story behind what you do / show not tell what's on offer and the values & benefits of such a sale.


Thoughts relating to recent comments in one of our sessions for more b2b social media examples.

Vistage Speaking Session#42


Inspiring the suits.

(GBR) Today we're delivering a half-day social media taster for a group of CEO's on behalf of Vistage International. We'll be showing them all the groovy stuff you can do to augment and embellish their current operations so they are quicker, cheaper, sexier.

Just got around to analysing the feedback. Great stuff overall, the guys really liked the session, very valuable and the interactive nature was
much appreciated.

Comments included:

A very useful session – a little fast for me – but so helpful (and scary) to see some very exciting tools
One of the best, most-interactive days we have had
Excellent – hands on, relevant, practical
Learned new things and a great reminder of other things
Well structured session – all groups would benefit
Really helped my understanding of social networking

Tony Price, Vistage Chair

Related posts : Past Vistage Speaking Group Gigs

The MS Meme #20


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

Braincandy for media snacking: Hog-isms, issue 003

Sally Hogshead and her little pdf.

I am not talking about food snacking. I am referring to how people consume information and media. With thousands of blog posts (including this one), tweets, photo comments, headlines, news feeds, etc.

The Becher Agency echoing our views when we started all this.

@steverubel since I have a Touch I’m using it instead of the laptop for surfing, reading, media snacking, etc.

Tweeted by RuudHein

Trying out Media Munchies, my new Micro blog–tiny bites of social media snacks: http://is.gd/4YdbN

Tweeted by heidimiller

Like a hobgoblin of little minds im the foolish consistency of your media snacking philosophies. Goodmorning.

Tweeted by loudmouthman

Tweetfreek Social Media Digest Media Snack – http://eepurl.com/ed8U

Tweeted by AlexClon

people media snack #ahhra

Tweeted by LorettaDonovan

@Packard_Sonic Thanks! I love Media Snackers, but I’ve never seen the other ones.

Tweeted by Kerinus

#utahtech “Media snackers?” Delicious!

Tweeted by vpbeerman

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out justadandak.com where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!