Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.
(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:
Braincandy for media snacking: Hog-isms, issue 003
Sally Hogshead and her little pdf.
I am not talking about food snacking. I am referring to how people consume information and media. With thousands of blog posts (including this one), tweets, photo comments, headlines, news feeds, etc.
The Becher Agency echoing our views when we started all this.
@steverubel since I have a Touch I’m using it instead of the laptop for surfing, reading, media snacking, etc.
Tweeted by RuudHein
Trying out Media Munchies, my new Micro blog–tiny bites of social media snacks:
Tweeted by heidimiller
Like a hobgoblin of little minds im the foolish consistency of your media snacking philosophies. Goodmorning.
Tweeted by loudmouthman
Tweetfreek Social Media Digest Media Snack –
Tweeted by AlexClon
people media snack #ahhra
Tweeted by LorettaDonovan
@Packard_Sonic Thanks! I love Media Snackers, but I’ve never seen the other ones.
Tweeted by Kerinus
#utahtech “Media snackers?” Delicious!
Tweeted by vpbeerman