Feast on all the projects we have been involved with:

Zen And The Heart Of Social Media a little book we wrote, curating our insights and discoveries about the online learning space.

The Web Makes Me Feel MediaSnackers pro-bono project for 2009 investigates the emotional response to the web from young people aged 13-19.

Channel 4
Channel 4 got us to deliver a couple of corporate bespoke social media day courses for officers of the education department.

Junior Senior
MediaSnackers and JuniorSenior have been exploring ways to collaborate and add value to each others existing services and clients.

For over a year we’ve been challenging every youth service audience we get in front about the fact there was not one statutory youth worker in the UK blogging—this was our attempt to inspire the first (and we succeeded before launch).

Pacific Youth
Enabling young leaders from Papua New Guinea and Tonga to participate in a five week online social media course.

Proper Clever
MS was invited by Everyman Playhouse to spice up the promotion on their new youth production.

The Children’s media conference was stormed by freshly trained Digital Journalists to document the event.

South Africa
Digital Journalists training at the 5WSMC conference in South Africa.

Street Athletics
MediaSnackers trained up sixteen young digital journalists (sponsored by Sony) and supported them covering over twenty events this summer.