Full day of social media goodness
(WAL) Today we’re spending the day at the fantastic Wales Millennium Centre.
The morning will be spent delivering a session to the senior management team (to lay the groundwork and context), then sharing ideas with the programming and artistic team. The rest of the day will be working directly with the communications and marketing team, exchanging platform and operational ideas plus critiquing their current social media use.
All in a days work really…
I and my colleagues from Wales Millennium Centre spent a stimulating day with MediaSnackers – one of the best investments in time we could have made.
Not only have we all become braver about trying out new and different tools and thinking of new applications for them, but the injection of inspiration these sessions gave us shows no signs of abating. Three weeks on, and every single team member’s engagement in, and adoption of, new media continues to rise at an expediential rate and we’re already beginning to see identifiable results in our ticket sales.
It is fair to say we are only too aware that the only limitations are those of our imaginations – and lucky for me I work with an imaginative bunch.
Jo Taylor, Head of Marketing & Communications