Celtic Media Festival


Click here.

(WAL) I’m honoured to be invited to share the stage today with (past client) S4C for the Click Here session at the Celtic Media Festival.

We’ve had a great deal of positive response in the wake of DK’s presentation – it really charged up the day for many of the festival goers. A timely reminder to us all of the speed of change with which each new facet is developed, adopted and subsequently owned. Thanks again from S4C for giving us all such a zesty overview of peoples multiplatform habits and appetites.

Meirion Davies, Head of Content, S4C

Related gig: S4C Masterclass

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

MS Podcast#135 / Rezed Podcast#29


The hub for learning and virtual worlds monthly podcast series.

(WORLD) The twenty ninth RezEd monthly podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Featuring an interview with Ted Tagami, vice president for business development for Smallworlds plus a roundtable discussion with representatives from four countries (Brazil, France, Turkey and Japan) discussing how they use virtual worlds.

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—2.51 RezEd news with Rik and Amira at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
2.52—4.57 intro/overview of Smallworlds
4.58—6.07 merging of the ‘social graph’ into a virtual world
6.08—7.51 use of the platforms
7.52—9.25 who the platform is for
9.26—10.26 community and application
10.27—11.52 visibility
11.53—12.15 outro/thanks
13.07—14.17 intro/overview of participants
14.18—15.19 Brazil use of virtual worlds
15.20—16.54 France
16.55—20.22 Turkey
20.23—22.12 Japan
22.13—22.31 thanks (in all the languages)
22.32—25.19 Rik and Amira detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
25.20—25.27 outro

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Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Philip Lawrence Ambassadors


Award winners into ambassadors.

(GBR) This morning I’m delivering a 75mins session to a group of past Philip Lawrence Awards winners who are getting together to discuss becoming ambassadors for the project.

I’ll be giving a short presentation and then a masterclass to illustrate the uses of social media as a platform for telling their story.

Thanks so much for the session at the reunion. It was really thought provoking and has already got some of the past winners up and interested in using social media platforms to tell their story – more to come I’m sure. A real highlight of the weekend.

Cheryl Aughton, Events Manager, 4Children

Thanks to 4Children for the invite to participate and who are the organisers of the event.

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

Kings Place Part 3


Getting creative.

(GBR) Barney, Matt & I were in London yesterday at Kings Place (our ongoing music/arts/cultural-venue client).

For the first half of the afternoon we liaised with Kings Place educational outreach worker and worked with a group of eight media students from St Marylebone School and challenged them to create digital stories in and around the venue (thanks to Judi for bringing them).

Check out some of their work on the blog we created specifically for the day (all the content you see was created in under 2 hours).

Kings Place team had another great day with MediaSnackers who are helping us explore and utilise new web platforms and concepts. The outreach project with our local school was outstandingly successful and we’re hoping to feature the content created on the day on our website.

Peter Millican, CEO, Kings Place

The second half of the afternoon we worked with the venues’ team again exploring socal media platforms and strategies plus bringing a host of social media goodies and ideas for their operations.

Related Kings Place posts

MediaSnackers Consulting

The MediaSnackers Meme #14


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

The technology is rapidly changing. In order for us to remain current and advise our clients on how to successfully navigate Web communities and engage in meaningful dialogue, we have to be 10 steps ahead. Here are some terms that I thought were interesting and would keep you ahead of the curve… (MediaSnackers was one of them)

Exploring whether PR needs some new vocabulary.

I call my behavior "media snacking." If I have time I’ll snack on different stuff from around the Internet.

The Scobleizer waxing lyrical about his media habits.

As the Web’s leading purveyor of bite-sized video, YouTube created a world of media snackers. It’s a sit-forward experience for the most part, done at desks, offices and cubicles.

Exploring video on the web.

It certainly plays to the whole media snacking/bite-size media thing. Plus at 96 seconds long, downloads won’t take forever and won’t cost a fortune. Sure, streaming would be better, but seems like a viable interim option.

A reaction to Nokias video plans.

There are also smaller external factors (+that add up) outside of Twitter’s control and effects that are capturing attention to the website as well. Things like; short attention span of digital natives and their desire to "media snack", the economy (no really, I mean it) and the continual growth of the power of the "status update".

How media snacking is fast becoming mainstream

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

Evil Social Media



(WORLD) Social media is pure evil.

It’s wrecking our minds.

Giving us lumps.

The internet is the fuel for teenage aggression, which is probably the cause of the one in three kids cyberbullying victims whilst the other two are probably cyberbullying the one in seven teachers.

It’s got so bad this social networking stuff that governments are issuing guidelines because you know it’s only going to lead to more evil when half of young people surf unsupervised, plus, even though there are hardly any kids on it MP’s think Twitter should be controlled

The only next logical answer is to cut off all the plugs, burn the computers and confiscate then bury all mobiles phones.

Social media is pure evil.

If you didn’t already please reread the above with a sarcastic satirical tone.

Twitter And Teens


Where are they?

(WORLD) Mark and I were discussing recently why Twitter is not popular with young people.

Here’s our take:

  • it’s not feature-rich: sure you can add friends and follow plus DM or reply but apart from the 140 character update option you can’t do anything else (in comparison to other social networking sites young people populate)
  • the service exists: it’s fast been integrated into the aforementioned sites as standard
  • it’s already populated by adults: it’s the same as young people getting into Bowls (even if it was fun it’s already dominated by another generation so not cool by association)

NB: I tweeted the same question out to my network and here’s what @m_as, @innovativeteach, @davestacey, @timdavies, @rohdesign, @ianbetteridge, @c_and_t think.

Leave a comment below on your take on why young people are not all over Twitter

MediaSnackers on Twitter

MS Podcast#134


European youth trend report.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Andrew Vassallo works for Trendwolves as a youth trend researcher discussing here the recently released European youth trend report (focussing on 14 to 25 year olds).

0.00—0.18 intro
0.19—1.16 Trendwolves
1.17—2.11 European youth trend report background
2.12—4.27 top lines results
4.28—5.50 flavour of the results
5.51—7.04 other findings and how it relates to companies/organisation
7.05—10.25 new trends and differences between countries
10.26—12.20 the future (Youthwatching)
11.35—11.44 thanks and outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Guernsey YS Part Two


Film Review.

(GUE) Short film review of our time over in Guernsey delivering our two day social media course to the islands youth service team:

‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating’ as they say and for me the proof of a good training course is in how much the ideas it generates get used afterwards. Since our Mediasnackers training our staff have: had a group of young people using their mobile phones / cameras to record evidence of their work, produced a Capzles presentation on a new project, set up a webcam link on Skype for future staff meetings and discussed using wikis for updating of our database records. With all of this done in less than a week I’d say that pudding has well and truly been eaten!

Dave Le Feuvre, Head of Guernsey Youth Service

Guernsey YS Part One

MediaSnackers Training

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out justadandak.com where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!