MS Vodcast Episode#010

October 07, another mouth-watering MediaSnackers Vodcast to devour.]

The MediaSnackers monthly vodcast is a fifteen minute shot (more or less) of yummy-youth-media-goodness. Featuring content made, produced or focussed on young people and media from around the globe.

Featuring: Gasan Gasanov,; How To Subscribe; MediaSnackers News; A Child’s War trailer by Global Kids Inc; Mount Summer Staff by Dan Meyer; music by The Melodica, the Melody and Me.

Special thanks to Chris Taylor for INC 2007 pics.

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly to these podcasts through iTunes by clicking the ‘subscribe’ icon opposite (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your podcast aggregating software.

If you have any short video content (under two-mins) relating to youth media projects, are involved in any aspects of youth media or are a young person producing digital content (audio/visual) and want to discuss submitting pieces for consideration, please get in touch.

MediaSnackers Vodcast page

Digital Breadcrumbs


Follow them.

(GBR) One of our favourite mantras we throw around in our training is: follow the digital breadcrumbs.

If you find a weblog you like click through the blogroll, if you find someone bookmarking the same site you have check out the rest of their links etc. Here's a real life example:

MediaSnackers is on Twitter. We got an email this morning that someone new is following us. We checked out their twitter page and clicked through to their weblog to discover their role as the instructional technology facilitator for Lee County Schools, in North Carolina, USA.

After some more clicking and reading we found out some amazing examples of teachers using wikis, sending newsletters out via SlideShare plus a great post with a huge list of resources (most of which we haven't heard of before).

Follow the digital breadcrumbs folks and you never know what pearls you will find.

CTAM Europe Conference Part 3


Our bit.

(SPA) It’s our turn. We did a short presentation to provide context to the session, illustrating how the world has changed for young people and new media and technology.

We were then joined on stage by a group of young people from the American School in Barcelona to discuss their media habits. Here’s the questions we talked around:

Media habits:

  • Where and how do you learn about what’s happening in the world?
  • What are your online habits?
  • Which of the social networking sites do you use and why?

Media device ownership:

  • Which media device (i.e. cell phones, portable gaming, MP3 players, video players, PDA’s) do you spend the most time using and why?
  • What one media device couldn’t you live without and why?
  • What one thing would you like to do with a media device that’s not yet provided?

Media attitudes:

  • How do you think young people are portrayed in the media?
  • What brands, programmes or adverts do you like at the moment and why?
  • Do the films and TV shows you watch also play a role in your online activities?
  • What is the single biggest benefit and downside or negative effects that has come from the new digital advances?

Many thanks to Krizsta, Eric and Marta for enabling the session to happen and special thanks to: Abel, Loreto, Marc, Maria, Maria, Narcis, Nuria and Stefano—you guys ruled!

We tasked DK and MediaSnackers with developing a panel to challenge the thinking of your average adult marketing executive at our annual conference. DK brought in a panel of teens from an international high school and quizzed them on how they use new media—what media they use and why it is important to them—as well as checked their usage of so-called conventional media such as “linear” video.

The session and panel was just what our conference needed. Most attendees were taken aback at the priorities that these students assigned to their media devices and just how critical they were to their lives. DK expertly led the audience through a series of questions to test just how in touch our marketing executives are with today’s trends. Matching the audience’s response against the students was a lesson in how much more we need to learn about the coming consumer.

Dennis Hodges, Vice President Marketing, Sales and Content Strategy, UPC Central Europe Group and Past Chairman, CTAM Europe


Related link: CTAM Europe Conference Part 1, Part 2, Part 4

Make Your Mark: Part Two


Film review.

(GBR) Make Your Mark have a great tagline of "inspiring young people to make their ideas happen."

MediaSnackers were honoured to deliver our youth professionals training for some of their staff a few days ago and here's a short film review.

Music Featured: Out While You Can by Ceri Collins

It's a big commitment for people to take two days out of their busy working lives for training; and to get comments back like "this was the best training I've ever had" just shows how much of a success the MediaSnackers training was. It worked because the Make Your Mark people spend their time connecting with and inspiring young people to be creative and learning how to harness social media to that goal has made a real difference to the success they feel they can have. Also, the training by DK and Mark was entertaining, thought-provoking, relevant and, most importantly, accessible to all levels and skill sets of the group. The impact is being felt already with real results coming in from the team at Make Your Mark. I couldn't recommend it more.
Bronwyn Kunhardt, Co-Founder, Polecat Ltd. (Make Your Mark affiliate)

Related posts: Make Your Mark Part One, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six.

The MediaSnackers Meme #4


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

The iPod touch might be getting all the attention right now, but the video-enabled nano is the device that best suits our "media-snacking" lifestyle.
A PC mag article discussing how the technology now comes in bite-size like the media it plays.

Four trends: digitalization, convergence, media snacking and social networking were analyzed. These areas built the hub of Wardle's message, which was insightful and set the bar very high for a day of PR education that will continue throughout the day.
Exploring the future of PR by Vice President of Public Relations for Walt Disney World.

One Word Equity's site explains that it is a survival tactic for marketers looking to break through rising clutter and connect with "digital natives"—those pesky new consumers under the age of 30 who are so wrapped up in multitasking and social media and media snacking that they can't even make the time to pay attention to our advertising.
Greg Verdino exploring a new advertising strategy.

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

London Gifted and Talented: Part Two


Short film review.

(GBR) Here's a short film review of the time we spent at London Gifted and Talented this week delivering our youth professionals training—thanks again guys!

Music by The Melodica, the Melody and Me

Rather than just talking about technology MediaSnackers' came storming into LGT and made us get on with it! The best way to learn! MS training exceeded expectations for a group of techie and non-techie staff and gave us all a fascinating insight into other web applications and the world out there that we had almost forgotten about! Thanks for bringing the outside world back in and for entertaining us!
Fiona Cleary, Director of Production, London Gifted and Talented

Related post: London Gifted and Talented: Part One

IBC Conference Wrap-Up


Goodbye AmsterDAMN.

(NLD) MediaSnackers says goodbye to Amsterdam after attending and speaking at this years IBC conference—many thanks for the invite guys.

DK is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about youth-video-online, a compelling cocktail. He presented well at amsterdam at ibc to a mixed crowd and managed to engage them both with slides and his powerful words. Very good value.
Kate Bulkley, Independent Journalist

Here's a brief write up of the Are You Being YouTubed? session we spoke at:

MediaSnackers was first up, giving an overview of how young people are using new media and technology, plus how the whole media landscape has changed drastically. A few videos and screenshots served their purpose of underlining the fact that young people are producers, creators and participants.

Next up was Jon Godel, Editor for ITN On—user generated content (UGC) enable news coverage of events which simply the current operations cannot cover. Bascially, people are everywhere and journalists are not. ITN Uploaded has been part of the news since July 07 and is a multi-platformed innovation to augment mainstream news offering. Built around a group of citizen correspondents which brings in the usual marginalized comments and feedback.

Then James DuBern, Director of Programming for Current TV (UK)—talked about how viewer generated content is the backbone of the channel. Since its launch 2 years ago, they are currently reaching 50 million homes and focus on short format, 100% non-fiction. They look to add value through editorial and creative support for those 'pods' which get chosen for broadcast (a process known as 'greenlighting').

Thanks again to Kate Bulkley for chairing the session and for inviting MediaSnackers to participate in the first place. Thanks also to Jon and James (see below) for being so open and hospitable and great speaking fellows.


Reproduced by kind permission of Chris Taylor.

Check out the online write-up by session chair, Kate Bulkley.

Related posts: Amster-DAMN

MS Vodcast Episode#009

September 07, a simple stop-gap MediaSnackers Vodcast episode.

The MediaSnackers monthly vodcast is a fifteen minute shot (more or less) of yummy-youth-media-goodness. Featuring content made, produced or focussed on young people and media from around the globe.

Stop-gap episode.

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly to these podcasts through iTunes by clicking the ‘subscribe’ icon opposite (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your podcast aggregating software.

If you have any short video content (under two-mins) relating to youth media projects, are involved in any aspects of youth media or are a young person producing digital content (audio/visual) and want to discuss submitting pieces for consideration, please get in touch.

MediaSnackers Vodcast page

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!