

Quotes which illustrate.

(WORLD) MediaSnackers are being served more and more ways to snack on their chosen media than ever. It’s hard to differentiate between companies and start-ups enabling snacking or the snacking trends driving media platform development, but here are a couple of quotes from the ‘experts’ to sum it all up for any ‘MediaSnacker-virgins’:

My attitude is that the technology is here… our responsibility is to inform and teach people about responsible use of that technology.
Secondary principals association president Peter Gall, of Auckland’s Papatoetoe High School and his reaction to the growing trend of banning access to social networking sites in New Zealand.

It’s allowed them to connect with learning in a meaningful way, in a way textbooks can’t.
Canadian teacher, Kathy Cassidy talking about her blogging 101 class to grade 1 students (6 year olds).

Young people are ‘grazers,’ according to a recent Readership Institute study, who don’t go looking for news, but will stop to read ‘if it catches my eye,’ or if they ‘bump into something.’
From this article discussing how young people access and think about news at the 7th World Young Readers Conference.

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

MS Podcast#83


The 83rd MediaSnackers podcast discusses youth marketing with JuniorSenior’s CEO.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Ab Kuijer is the CEO of euro-youth marketing business, JuniorSenior and joins MediaSnackers to talk about the impact new media and technology has on marketing to young people.

0.00—0.22 intros
0.23—1.17 what JuniorSenior does
1.18—2.37 what they’ve and who for
2.38—4.20 the big changes
4.21—5.41 the impact of these changes for brands
5.42—7.16 the ethical/moral questions on marketing to young people
7.17—8.03 the prevalence of media vs parental responsibility
8.04—9.45 in-gaming argument
9.46—11.08 future of marketing to young people
11.09—11.20 outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.



Quotes which illustrate.

(WORLD) MediaSnackers are being served more and more ways to snack on their chosen media than ever. It’s hard to differentiate between companies and start-ups enabling snacking or the snacking trends driving media platform development, but here are a couple of quotes from the ‘experts’ to sum it all up for any ‘MediaSnacker-virgins’:

Pupils will be given their assignments in groups of 120 in the morning before dispersing to wi-fi zones to study.
Merseyside’s Knowsley Council is replacing 1950s-style secondary schools with centres where children follow programmes matching their interests.

In this next phase of the web we are going to use technology to make creativity easier and I think we are going to see everybody wanting to be creative. This means that people better rethink the nature of media.
Philip Rosedale, founder of Second Life talking about future web developments.

The Pew study reports that 73 percent of U.S. adults surveyed own a mobile phone, 68 percent have a desktop computer, 30 percent own a laptop, and 73 percent use the Internet, yet only 8 percent are “deep users” of Web 2.0 features
Pew/Internet Study on adult ICT use here (via Christopher Sessums blog).

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

Reshape School: Space and Place


How it went.

(USA) Portland, Oregon is a bold and great city. It’s strapline is ‘a city that works’ (the states’: a state that dreams).

‘Reshape Youth: Space and Place’ was/is an audacious event. With a focus on exploring and influencing the cities school design and education system, simply being involved is an honour and privilege.

DK and MediaSnakers brought to Portland a thoughtful, relevant and meaningful perspective of students, their interests, how they relate and
engage with each other and the world they are a growing part of. His presentation at Portland Public Schools Reshape Schools: Space & Place Summit opened adults eyes and ears and challenged us to think anew.
John Weekes, Founding Partner, DOWA

Here's how it went:

Dr Vicki Phillips, superintendent for Education in Portland introduced and contextualised the mission of the event superbly—an opportunity to ask the BIG questions, challenge and reimagine the position education/schooling within the city.

Sir Ken Robinson fabulously keynoted. Laced with passion and eloquence plus a fine dose of humour, he spoke to the heart of the issue—how education has to change to embrace creativity and not continue to harbour allegiances for the core subjects (of maths and sciences) which was designed to reflect the industrial revolution model of education (a model which has not changed since its inception). Christian has a great in depth write-up of his talk here.

Andrea Saveri from the Institute for the Future plus (recent podcast subject) Barbara Diamond from Knowledge Works Foundation gave an in-depth illustration of their Map of Future Forces Affecting Education.

MediaSnackers was up next…

Thanks to Paul (above) who did a great job of introducing us to the stage (and for teaching me a few slang words from the West Coast).

Our role was to be a ‘provocateur’—the aim was to open the digital door and allow the attendees to understand how young people are using new media and technology. Our presentation then provided the subject matter for table discussions (along with the previous presentation and also the following).

(Thanks to all the young people who gave us a standing ovation at the end of our presentation—totally touched).

After lunch, Steven Bingler, Founder of Concordia gave a great commentary to the urban design process he has been involved with in New Orleans since Katrina. Powerful and inspiring stuff.

Again, the table discussions ensued and from which, the resulting comments were collated and fedback during the following morning session. To bring the day to a close there was an onstage discussion about sustainability with thought-leaders and experts (apologies, didn’t get their names).

At the following days session, the wealth of data was sorted, processed and then fedback by the incredibly humble Dick Withycombe, a public process facilitator. Here are the five overarching themes (which are open for discussion, comment and remixing):

• Community—true partnerships;
• Teaching and learning—creative forever;
• Sustainability—think green, build green, teach green;
• Adaptability to change—continuously;
• Makingn this happen—together.

A fascinating experience to be involved in such an event. Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to introduce themselves and share their stories. Thanks to the facilitators and staff, plus the participants for being so gracious (especially the young people who chatted and introduced themselves).

Humble thanks to John Weekes (above, right) for inviting me to participate in the summit and for being a great host and provocateur himself in our many side-discussions. Appreciation and reverence goes to Christian Long from DesignShare and think:lab for being the instigator of this great opportunity (great to finally make you 3D my friend).

Thanks also to Louis and Gali who stayed a few hours at the end of the conference and shared their stories, insights, dreams, humour—keep in touch guys!

(You can check out the rest of the flickr photo-set here).

We’re actually going to unplug for a few days and enjoy the city—catch you all when we get back in the UK.

MS/DesignShare Podcast#82


The 82nd MediaSnackers podcast is presented with DesignShare and features Barbara Diamond.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Our third DesignShare and MediaSnackers podcast sees us (Christian Long and DK) talking to Senior Advisor to the Knowledge Works Foundation, Barbara Diamond.

0.00 0. intros
1.09—2.14 what it means to be a change agent and an operating foundation
2.15—5.57 the back story behind the Institute For The Future collaboration
5.58—8.44 what the Map of Future Forces Affecting Education will do
8.45—11.50 are educators and decision-makers ready to use tools like the map
11.51—14.36 what are the big challenges to make it work
14.37—17.16 what conversations are evolving through the use of the map
17.17—18.26 where is the student involvement?
18.27—19.12 Outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Related posts: DesignShare/MediaSnackers Mash-up.

In The Wild Part Two


More from In The Wild.

(GBR) At the beginning of our presentation with Ewan McIntosh at the ‘In The Wild’ event yesterday, I invited the youth participants to get up, get in peoples faces and even, if they wish, join us on stage (as they all had digital cameras and camcorders—here’s a flavour of the result:

DK gave the Channel 4 hosted event a new dimension with his talk and also ensured the young people (who were attending to capture the day with video footage) were part of the event by inviting them up on and around the stage. Great stuff and extremely well received.
Steve Moore, Channel 4 Consultant

young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event

From Ewans flickr stream and In The Wild flickr stream plus check out this interview over at Katie Ledgers blog.

In The Wild Part One

DK speaking at the In The Wild event

At Channel 4 again.

(GBR) Yesterday, MediaSnackers participated at a great event, hosted by Channel 4 called ‘In The Wild’—check out the event blog here.

Not only did we get the opportunity to be interviewed by some inspiring young people attending the event and the fantastically lovely BBC Click reporter Katie Ledger, but we also got to meet an array of individuals whose enthusiasm for new media and technology matched our own.

We were also hugely honoured to share the stage with (new to Channel 4 and chair of the session) Matt Locke, Commissioning Editor, Channel 4 Education, Bronwyn Kunhardt, Director of Social Media Consensus and Rachel O’Connell, Chief Safety Officer, Bebo. Plus, we got the opportunity to deliver a presentation with blogger and social media specialist Ewan McIntosh (a pure thrill and privilege).

If you want a deeper insight into what happened in our session then check out Dans write-up or have a peek at Ewans blog entry.

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!