In The Wild Part Two


More from In The Wild.

(GBR) At the beginning of our presentation with Ewan McIntosh at the ‘In The Wild’ event yesterday, I invited the youth participants to get up, get in peoples faces and even, if they wish, join us on stage (as they all had digital cameras and camcorders—here’s a flavour of the result:

DK gave the Channel 4 hosted event a new dimension with his talk and also ensured the young people (who were attending to capture the day with video footage) were part of the event by inviting them up on and around the stage. Great stuff and extremely well received.
Steve Moore, Channel 4 Consultant

young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event
young people at the In The Wild event

From Ewans flickr stream and In The Wild flickr stream plus check out this interview over at Katie Ledgers blog.

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!