Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.
(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:
I think there will always be a form of "dine in" networking, where we want the ambience and look and feel of that network for the mood it evokes. Same as going to the cinema perhaps—sure we can watch the movie at home, but the cinema meets OTHER needs. Aggregators meet the "take out" needs—quick catch up, fast food/media snacking.
Talking about aggregating social networking sites.
In today's widely cast media landscape, where "media snackers" graze on blogs and search results and news sites and other content that meets their specific interests, advertising needs to be less accidental and more intent based and heavily targeted. As media expands, consumers will hone the media they ingest with greater care, and advertising needs to do the same to reach people.
Discussing the next phase of advertising and marketing.
In most cases if you do get people to your Web 1.0 site they have no real reason to stay. You are offering content with no substance, you are offering general content when people are looking for specific content and answers, you are offering old style communication, you are not paying attention to the new age of Media Snackers.
Thinking differently about competing for eyeballs online.
Media consumers, in growing numbers, are embracing the notion of "media snacking". Hundreds of millions of audio and video devices like iPhones, iPods, Zunes, PSP, Smart Phones, and Laptops are now in the marketplace empowering consumers with the ability to listen and view content when they want, where they want and how they want.
Why radio stations need a new digital strategy of operations.
The world is media snacking, getting their information in short bursts from cell phones, podcasts and RSS feeds. We decided that the physician, who really does have precious few minutes a day, is the perfect audience for short, succinct educational streaming videos. Our goal is to provide an engaging, interesting way for doctors to learn that quickly gets to the point.
The reasons behind launching an online Doctors Channel.