MS Podcast#30


The 30th MediaSnackers podcast takes on the subject of serious games.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Benjamin Stokes is Co-founder and Co-director for Games for Change based in New York. He joins MediaSnackers to discuss ‘serious games’.

0.00—0.10 Intro
0.10—0.56 Benjamin discusses Games for Change and why it exists
0.57—2.37 the challenges in producing a game and achieving change from them
2.38—4.10 how do you measure the impact and change
4.11—6.47 where did serious games come from and an example of good practice
6.48—7.57 round-up of recent Games for Change conference
7.58—9.40 the future of the serious games movement
9.41—9.52 thanks and outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MS Podcast#29


The 29th MediaSnackers podcast focusses on the virtual world of Whyville.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Whyville is an educationally-focussed virtual world for 8-15 year olds. MediaSnackers got to chat to Jay Goss, its Chief Operating Officer.

0.00—0.10 Intro
0.10—1.09 Jay Goss discusses the company and his role within it
2.32—4.44 discussion about Whyville and how kids use it
4.45—8.02 virtual museum initiative within Whyville
8.03—10.02 what trends are exciting/scaring Jay
10.03—10.15 Whyville numbers
11.26—11.36 Thanks and outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MS Podcast#28


The 28th MediaSnackers podcast Mohammad and Sophie from YouthNet.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

YouthNet (along with British Youth Council) has released its ‘Respect: The voice behind the hood‘ report exploring what young people themselves think about anti-social behaviour and how the media portays them. In this podcast, I talk to two young people who have been involved in the research, Mohammad and Sophie:

0.00—0.10 Intro
0.10—1.09 Mohammad and Sophie introduce themselves
1.10—2.08 discusses about the reports findings
2.09—2.55 methods and aims of report
2.46—3.25 personal reflections on findings
3.26—4.46 recommendations from report
4.47—6.00 re-addressing the media-balance
6.01—7.24 participation in media-creation
7.26—7.36 Thanks and outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MS Podcast#27


The 27th MediaSnackers podcast discusses a portable film festival.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

As we rack-up the podcasts, Simon Goodrich over in Australia gives us the lowdown on the film festival he runs exclusively for portable devices.

0.00—0.10 Intro
0.00—2.19 Simon outlines why the International Portable Film Festival was created, his role within it and their current successes
2.20—4.08 new media vs old media platforms
4.09—6.45 impact of new technologies on media literacy levels
6.46—9.45 is participatory media/user generated content the way forward
9.44—11.26 what trends are exciting/scaring you
11.27—11.41 Thanks and outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Showcomotion Conference—Part#14


Blogging from the Showcomotion Conference: Aggregated posts.

(UK/WORLD) Want all the Showcomotion Conference posts in one place? Well, here they are.

A HUGE thanks to everyone who I met, those who gave up a little bit of time to chat and those who allowed me to ‘podcast’ them.

Special thanks to Greg, Claire and Kathy (plus the Showco board) for giving me this amazing opportunity to participate and attend.

Normal service will now resume.

Showcomotion Children’s Media Conference

View all ‘Showcomotion posts’ here.

Showcomotion Conference—Part#13


Blogging from the Showcomotion Conference: My closing thoughts.

(UK/WORLD) The Showcomotion Children’s Media Conference was simply superb. I have attended many conferences in my time but never have I met such a warm and approachable group of people. 300 industry leaders but few with egos big enough not to talk to a total newbie who knew half of what they did, and who wanted to ‘blog’ or ‘podcast’ them.

Having the opportunity to simply ‘walk and talk’ with the great and good from the world of children’s media (for there were many International delegates) was inspiring and such an educational. My favourite sessions were the ones that focussed on technology and cross-platforms projects and developments, simply because it floats my MediaSnackers boat, but also because here is where the future lies.

Sometimes I felt like I was voyeur, looking over the hedge and into an industry that is in total flux. Not only are new technologies and gadget ownership directly competing with audiences time and attention, but the looming OFCOM decision about the banning of junk food advertising would impact massively on all broadcasters. These are worrying times for many delegates but equally the message of quality and simple storytelling never failed to come through in all sessions—the core values without which children’s media wouldn’t simply exist.

I really hope I get the opportunity to attend next year and who knows, maybe MediaSnackers will be on the Agenda :-)

View all ‘Showcomotion posts’ here.

Showcomotion Conference—Part#12


Blogging from the Showcomotion Conference: Last day summary (from participants).

(UK/WORLD) The end of the Showco conference and the last opportunity to do mini-interviews/podcasts with some of the attendees and also many of the speakers, starting with conference organiser, Greg Childs. To listen just click the links below:

Greg Childs, Showcomotion Conference Organiser—11mins.02secs

Sarah Baynes, Managing Director, The Creative Garden—1mins.42secs

Kate Bulkley, Journalist—5mins.43secs

Estelle Hughes, Controller CITV—1mins.44secs

Madeline Wiltshire, Joint Managing Director, Libra Television—2mins.15secs

Claire Fox, Director, The Institute Of Ideas—3mins.39secs

Rachel Murrell, Writer & Script Editor—2mins.45secs

Richard Langridge, Director, Rialto Films—3mins.21secs

Grant Cathro, Writer—2mins.50secs

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here or send me an audio message by clicking the icon opposite.

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

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I am attending and participating in the Showcomotion Children’s Media Conference, in Sheffield and blogging the event for the next two days.

View all ‘Showcomotion posts’ here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Showcomotion Conference—Part#8


Blogging from the Showcomotion Conference: First day summary.

(UK/WORLD) The first full day at the Showco (what you call the conference if you’re in the know) has been fascinating. Hopefully you would have consumed the posts I’ve already done and got a great flavour about the subjects and issues discussed.

Again I took the opportunity to do mini-interviews/podcasts with some of the attendees and also many of the speakers. To listen just click the links below:

John Bullivant, Managing Director, Kickback Media—1mins.43secs

Nigel Mitchell, Presenter—1mins.53secs

Tessa Alps, CEO Thinkbox—2mins.31secs

Rani Singh, Presenter / Writer—1mins.44secs

Vaugh Wiles, Senior Project Manager, Endemol UK—3mins.40secs

Richard Simpson, Writer / Director—2mins.51secs

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here or send me an audio message by clicking the icon opposite.

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

I am attending and participating in the Showcomotion Children’s Media Conference, in Sheffield and blogging the event for the next two days.

View all ‘Showcomotion posts’ here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!