MS Podcast#147 / Rezed Podcast#44


The hub for learning and virtual worlds monthly podcast series.

(WORLD) The fortyfourth RezEd monthly podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

Terrence Cummings, of Linden Lab, Jon Himoff, CEO of Rezzable, and Rich White, of Greenbush Education Service Center discuss their various virtual platforms and how these platforms can be used as educational tools, and an In Focus with Larry Rosenstock, CEO and Founding Principal of High Tech High, speaking about integrating social issues into game design.

0:00 – 0:24 Intro
0:25-3:57 RezEd news with Amira and Rik from Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
3:58-9:13 In Focus with Larry Rosenstock, CEO and Founding Principal of High Tech High
9:14-10:14 In Dialogue discussing Second Life, Heritage Key and Edusim
10:15-13:27 Terrence Cummings, of Linden Lab, discusses Second Life enterprise and its’ role within education
13:28-16:21 Jon Himoff, CEO of Rezzable, speaks about Heritage Key as an educational tool
16:22-22:14 Rich White, of the Greenbush Educational Center in SE Kansas,talks about Edusim
22:15-27:45 Observations from the field about the various tools
27:46-28:00 Outro
28:01-29:56 Amira and Rik detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
29:57-30:05 Outro

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