To social media adoption.
(WORLD) There are several insightful lists regarding the challenges and hurdles relating to social media adoption for different types of organisations and companies (a couple of examples : 10 Common Objections, 50 Small Hurdles, 5 Biggest Challenges, and 5 Challenges).
Juicy and salient stuff.
From our experience of working cross sector with schools, youth services, charities, marketeers, advertisers, retailers, theatres, music venues, consortium groups etc. (you get the idea)—here’s our list on the BIGGEST challenge to social media being used:
People set corporate priorities.
People create the policies and strategies.
People allocate training budgets.
People shape the infrastructure.
People start companies / organisations.
People adopt social media, not companies / organisations.
This is our first principle of understanding how to create change using social media.