The BIGGEST Challenge


To social media adoption.

(WORLD) There are several insightful lists regarding the challenges and hurdles relating to social media adoption for different types of organisations and companies (a couple of examples : 10 Common Objections, 50 Small Hurdles, 5 Biggest Challenges, and 5 Challenges).

Juicy and salient stuff.

From our experience of working cross sector with schools, youth services, charities, marketeers, advertisers, retailers, theatres, music venues, consortium groups etc. (you get the idea)—here’s our list on the BIGGEST challenge to social media being used:


People set corporate priorities.

People create the policies and strategies.

People allocate training budgets.

People shape the infrastructure.

People start companies / organisations.

People adopt social media, not companies / organisations.

This is our first principle of understanding how to create change using social media.

Image credit

The MediaSnackers Meme #16


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. The conference started in the mid-’80s and has become a networking event of sorts for the world’s best and brightest. Dozens of speakers give presentations of about 20 minutes each—the perfect duration for a juicy “media snack.”

From a little news agency called CNN

FriendFeed, Facebook and Twitter work better for “media snacking” because I can filter results by number of people talking about each topic. I can also hold a conversation with a large group of people on each topic, and help promote the blog I’m reading much more than I can in a Reader.

How RSS is coming second to real-time web.

Media snacking is a new trend about watching snips of videos or other content based on your whims at the moment. #womma

Tweeted by hyperdrivei

#womma Rise of the iPhone – Covergence at large. So many great apps. Many brands getting smart. Increased trend: media snacking. Popups suck

Tweeted by mvellandi

@kyleplacy Not to bad. Media snacking on Twitter :) What’s shaking with you Mr Indiana?

Tweeted by fruchter

it’s definitely a trend on the rise. I think people like to be “open” with the other ear…especially for media snacking.

Tweeted by danrace

currently running through wireframes …mediasnacking + workin’ away ..

Tweeted by loususi

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

BT Expedite


Masterclass time.

(GBR) At the very swanky Hellidon Lakes Hotel Golf and Country Club in Daventry delivering a two masterclass sessions at the BT Expedite Retail Client Conference 09.

Here’s the full conference itinerary.

MediaSnackers make social media real and exciting, DK and the team display an infectious and profound knowledge of the on-line world.

After an hour or so with DK, even the most fearful technology laggard will be blogging, tweeting and interacting with the other half of the planet who now live blended virtual and real lives.

And you’ll also be doing your business a favour too—Mediasnackers shows that most of the tools you need are no-cost or low-cost.

Gerald Maidment, Head of Marketing, BT Expedite and BT Fresca

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

MS Podcast#138 / Rezed Podcast#32


The hub for learning and virtual worlds monthly podcast series.

(WORLD) The thirty second RezEd monthly podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.

A quick discussion with Dan Hunter regarding the State of Play (conference series). There’s also a dialogue with Peggy Sheehy and Darren Towers who discuss virtual worlds in middle schools with Barry Joseph of Global Kids.

0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—3.45 RezEd news with Rik and Amira at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
2.41—2.52 intros with Dan Hunter
2.53—3.12 the State of Play (conference series)
3.13—4.32 conference evolvement
4.33—6.24 “plateau” theme
6.25—7.38 why it would be of interest
7.39—7.47 thanks/outro
Dialogue section
7.48—8.16 intros
8.17—9.38 Peggy Sheehy discusses her work with middle schoolers and using virtual worlds to create standard-based curriculum
9.39—11.48 Darren Towers gives context for his work with middle schoolers and learning news ways of learning
11.49—13.08 successes
13.09—15.30 personal growth with students (PS)
15.31—17.03 the challenges (DT)
17.04—21.27 the hurdles/lowering the boundaries (PS)
21.28—23.30 building internal structures/importance of role play/different builds (PS)
23.31—24.33 importance of ownership (DT)
24.34—26.03 learning mindset/use of creativity and practicality (DT)
26.04—27.45 exploring identity (PS)
27.46—30.52 other virtual world experiences (PS)
30.52—31.33 future ideas/programs (DT)
31.34—31.35 Peggy Sheehy and Darren Towers discuss their respective sites
32.12—32.15thanks / outro
32.16—33.52 Rik and Amira detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
33.53—34.01 outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!