February 08, another mouth-watering MediaSnackers Vodcast to devour.
The MediaSnackers monthly vodcast is a ten minute shot (more or less) of yummy-youth-media-goodness. Featuring content made, produced or focussed on young people and media from around the globe.
Featuring: The Unblocker by Mohamed Billawal : theoneminutesjr.org; trainers recruitment job video ad; E-democracy interviews; Into The Inkwell by Rhiannon Evans, University Of Wales Newport; Got something on me by The Rivers.
Subscribe directly to these podcasts through iTunes by clicking the 'subscribe' icon opposite (download iTunes for free here).
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If you have any short video content (under two-mins) relating to youth media projects, are involved in any aspects of youth media or are a young person producing digital content (audio/visual) and want to discuss submitting pieces for consideration, please get in touch.