Pacific Youth : An Update


Taking a break.

(WORLD) Pacific Youth (the five week online social media pro bono course for twenty youth leaders from Tonga and Papua New Guinea) is having a week off…

The first two weeks have gone off without a hitch although one issue has arisen around the internet speed at the locations. Therefore we are taking a break this week to allow the participants to catch up.

Related post: The Launch and The Start, Ends

The MediaSnackers Meme #8


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

In other words, could our media snacking habit be shifting our relationships and conversations to increasingly becoming wider, but more superficial instead of focused and deep? Or do you find rather that it opens doors to great relationships?
Great questions posed by the media philosopher.
There seems to be two ends of the spectrum of change—on the one hand, media snacking on bite sized movies, the more homemade the better is counter and on ther hand, a thirst for increasingly refined hig end production on entertainment formats like games and cinema—HD is here, 3D is back and full immersion ultra realistic games are fact.
Observations from this years Media Summit.
Media Snackers—Ok… so this is not actually a trend as much as it is a demo, but I had to include it. Consuming large amounts of media in small bit size portions all throughout the day has opened up countless new formats for advertising. We are all snacking on media whenever and wherever we like.
Listing five possible advertising trends this year.
…feeling like media snacking…
A short and sweet tweet.
Kids are early adopters of new technology and at Turner we have realised the importance of fulfilling their digital needs. The enhancements on were inspired by our target group's evolving media snacking habits and the increasing number of broadband users and Internet penetration in India.
Vivek Krishnani, Executive Director of Marketing for Turner Entertainment Asia Pacific, talking about the changes in his sector/business.

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

MS Podcast#104

Talking with Idit Caperton.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Idit Caperton is the founder of MaMaMedia and creator of the Globaloria Program which empowers and connects aspiring young web developers worldwide (amongst other things).

0.00—0.47 intros
0.48—2.27 Globaloria
2.28—4.17 why game design?
4.18—7.02 how to scale?
7.03—13.30 transparent learning in global communities/future developments
13.30—13.54 outro

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Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

MS Podcast#103

The 103rd MediaSnackers podcast features C4s commissioning editor, Matt Locke.

(WORLD) The MediaSnackers podcast focusses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

Matt Locke is the new commissioning editor for Channel 4 Education, talking here about how how the audience has changed which is in turn impacting on their commissioning strategy.

0.00—0.37 intros
0.38—2.12 a different approach to commissioning
2.13—3.17 the changing audience
3.18—5.58 cross-platform exploration
5.59—6.47 dillution danger
6.48—11.36 six spaces of social media
9.45—9.46 encapsulating project
12.08—12.18 outro

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly through iTunes by clicking on this icon (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your aggregating software.

Want to suggest someone or put your virtual hand-up to be interviewed? Then get in touch here.

Devour our other podcasts.

Mencap Training

Short training film review.

(GBR) Last week we delivered a bespoke training day for Mencap—a national learning disability charity.

MediaSnackers deliver a great day and their extensive experience and knowledge in online technology and how young people are using the technology is such a great benefit to us. The training is always fun and never boring and they tailored their session so that the young people with learning disabilities who attended the training, were included and had an opportunity to contribute. Mencap are developing projects for young people with learning disabilities all the time and it has been so valuable to not only understand how online technologies relate to young people but also where the future of technology is heading. I highly recommend that if you haven't already, book a training session with MediaSnackers.
Lewis Perkins, Project Manager, Transactive Team.

The MediaSnackers Meme #7


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

I have developed a bad habit. I snack too much. No, I'm not talking about in real life (though that's probably true, too). I'm talking about in my information consumption habits.
Chip Griffin talking about his snacking 'problem'.
A recent NY Times article highlights the rise of midday 'media snacking' by cubicle dwellers, a trend that's affecting not only office culture, but online media producers and the advertisers who help support them as well.
Even cubicle workers are snacking.
A key theme for the 'digital natives'—those who have grown up immersed in technology, especially the bracket of 15to24 year olds, is impatience. They want to get things done quickly, using multitasking and 'media snacking,' with community interactions playing a central role. Yeah, social networking—it has a long ways to go yet. And users need to have control over the technology, allowing it to express their originality.
Discussing the unqiue habits of digital natives.
I think it unlikley, no matter what the advertisers might tell us, that anyone would settle down to watch a 90 minute movie on their mobile (in its current form). What is realistic is that the mobile suits our increasing appetite for media-snacking; taking bite-sized chunks of entertainment to fill our downtime, commutes etc.
How mobiles won't affect the film industry
More people are turning to the Internet for entertainment, enjoying a 'media snack' whenever and wherever they're in the mood for a break. Buzzed is a great example of original short-form video content that puts the power of the Internet to good use. It's interactive, engaging and entertaining—delivering value to our viewers and sponsors alike.
Erick Hachenburg, CEO, Metacafe talking about a new interactive online show.

View all ‘MediaSnackers Meme’ posts

MS Vodcast Episode#014

February 08, another mouth-watering MediaSnackers Vodcast to devour.

The MediaSnackers monthly vodcast is a ten minute shot (more or less) of yummy-youth-media-goodness. Featuring content made, produced or focussed on young people and media from around the globe.

Featuring: The Unblocker by Mohamed Billawal :; trainers recruitment job video ad; E-democracy interviews; Into The Inkwell by Rhiannon Evans, University Of Wales Newport; Got something on me by The Rivers.

itunessubscribeSubscribe directly to these podcasts through iTunes by clicking the 'subscribe' icon opposite (download iTunes for free here).

Not using iTunes? Then just copy / paste this feed and drop it into your podcast aggregating software.

If you have any short video content (under two-mins) relating to youth media projects, are involved in any aspects of youth media or are a young person producing digital content (audio/visual) and want to discuss submitting pieces for consideration, please get in touch.

Watch the other MediaSnackers Vodcasts.

Bradford Youth Summit 2008 : Part Three

Short film review of our training and event support.

Music by The Rivers

Check out the event blog here.

The young people had a fantastic couple of days with the Mediasnackers' workers and were buzzing from the experience. The Mediasnackers team took on the challenge of working with some hard to reach young people and showed a lot of patience and commitment. Highly recommended to all youth workers.
Colin Ward, Youth Media TV Director, National Media Museum

Related posts: Part One, Part Two

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!