Zen And The Heart Of Social Media : Process

"Process over product"

Nearly all of our clients focus every ounce of their energy and budget on the wrong part of the story.

All promotional material and marketing effort is pushing the product or service which is now available.

They spend huge amounts of time and energy attempting to spread a message of availability to as many people as possible, interrupting our viewing time, surfing habits, magazine browsing etc.

The model is backwards, upside down…

This is the end product.

The last piece of the puzzle.

Feature the whole story instead.

Engage your community by sharing the process and the moments which make up this journey.

For the promotion of this publication, we blogged about it, told existing clients via our monthly digest, kept people informed of its progress on Twitter, asked our community for contributions to the photography and made extracts available. All this added up to being more valuable for MediaSnackers in terms of promoting the project and kept the topic in the minds of our audience who will hopefully purchase it.


MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out justadandak.com where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!