Online Marketing Conference & Exhibition 2011 (21 March 2011)

DK delivered an entertaining and well received social media presentation to an audience of 300+ business delegates at the East Midland’s Online Marketing Conference in March 2011. DK is without doubt a brilliant speaker, he knows his stuff and his passion and knowledge for the subject is ever present. If you want a presenter who can entertain audiences while also educating them on the latest ideas, techniques and trends in social media, then DK is an excellent choice!

Diane Simpson, Transformational ICT Programme Manager, East Midlands Chambers of Commerce

9 thoughts on “Online Marketing Conference & Exhibition 2011 (21 March 2011)”

  1. My mind was positively closed to Social Media before coming along to the Conference, listening initially to Graham Jones talk and then DK’s talk positively opened my mind to the possibilities. Your talk was excellent – well done. Jack

  2. Really enjoyed the presentation. Wasn’t expecting to hear anything new, but it was a real breath of fresh air!!!!

  3. I wasn’t quite sure what I would learn in the social media seminar but afterwards I felt like my brain was bulging with new ideas for using social media in my business to get messages across and meet like minded people not just sell sell sell… brilliant talk DK :)

  4. Thank you thank you thank you for all the great comments – really appreciated and please do keep in touch with how you’re getting on.

  5. DK’s presentation was great. I’ve learnt that it’s not rocket science, so thanks for spelling it all out! Am putting bits and pieces into practice already.

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