Laurea University Lecture / Consulting

Finland gigs

(FIN) Today I'm crossing another country off my list and delivering a couple of gigs at Laurea University, Finland.

I have the honour of presenting a lecture to a several groups of students and their professors on the impact of social media. Then in the afternoon I'll be working with the internal marketing team on thier specific use of social media and the opportunities it affords.

Thank you for delivering us an interesting and inspiring presentation and discussion afternoon on social media. The event was very successful one with about 60 participants varying from students to teachers and other Laurea’s staff. All the feedback I have received afterwards has been highly positive. I can strongly recommend you for any organisation and hopefully we will have a chance to use your services again the
future. All in all, a very thorough and professional day but with a refreshing approach.

Susanna Ba, Project Planner, Laurea University of Applied Sciences

MediaSnackers Consulting and Speaking/Masterclass

3 thoughts on “Laurea University Lecture / Consulting”

  1. Thank you very much for the interesting presentation! I got some new (hopefully good ones) ideas to bring into my instruction.

  2. Excellent stuff. This was my third social media event of this very week – and definitely the best one.

    Since I work for a technology business incubator I’d like to get more information and insight for start-up entrepreneurs. They often have a disruptive B2B business idea and need to understand how leverage social media to build credibility and gain access to much larger companies.

    Spinno Enterprise Center is a business incubator serving technology and knowledge based enterprises aiming at rapid growth. Our mission is to identify best business ideas and support in turning them into startups pursuing to international success. Spinno is hosted by Laurea University of Applied Science and provides a shared innovation platform for the Helsinki Region.

    “Spinno – The Premier Business Incubator for High-Growth Technology Startups”

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