Shift Happens : ALT Shift

Arts | Learning | Technology

(GBR) More than humbled to be opening the second day of the fantastic Shift Happens : ALT Shift conference here in Pilot Theatre, York (the exact same thing I did last year).

This year my aim to explore power, engagement and play in the context of social media use.

DK is an inspirational speaker, his presentations are always geared to his audience, and he knows how to generate a real buzz in the room. Most of all he knows his stuff, presents it brilliantly and is able to convey thoughts, ideas to enable true understanding. He has delivered keynotes at our last 2 shift happens events and he totally rocked the crowd. Thanks DK I have learned a lot from you and your presentations.

Marcus Romer, Artistic Director, Pilot Theatre

Here’s a Wordle created from all the responses, quotes and tweets from my talk:

Shift Happen 2010 Wordle

Grab the full text of quotes and tweets here: ShifthappensTwitQuotes (.rtf file) to create your own on

Here’s also a quick AudioBoo with Bec from Pilot Theatre:


Plus here’s another interview from KhaozMediaYorklisten here.

UPDATE—check out the video of the keynote here.

MediaSnackers Speaking/Masterclass

Related post: Shift Happens 2.0 2009

10 thoughts on “Shift Happens : ALT Shift”

  1. I am not at Shift Happens but pleased to hear a distinctly human element introduced to the tech innovation debate (judging from the noises on Twitter). Would like to read more.

  2. Great intro to social media DK.
    Excellent IKEA case study – Certainly think it’s time for the cultural sector to turn its inherent creativity to the opportunities presented by what are essentially the paintbrushes of the digital age.

  3. Excellent content and delivery in your session today. You managed to make the Big Bad World of social Media fun, easy and inviting. Thanks for reminder of importance of play in learning and also for all the new information and help.

  4. was really inpired by your session today. have come home now and still not shut off my brain from all the thoughts and ideas that are spining around in there. all i could think while i listened to you was – I want DK to work with my company.

  5. Hi DK,

    I thought your presentation yesterday was brilliant and dealt with the question of “Why use social media?” really well.

    I particularly liked your response that sometimes forgiveness is easier to ask for than permission re: one of the questions at the end. It did make me wonder a bit about how we (especially those working in the public sector/local government) go about introducing the use of social media into their work places and overcoming the fear that their superiors may have about it – any tips/ideas?

    Looking forward to what you come back with at Shift next year and finding out what part 3 in the making social media work for you saga is.

  6. Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts and kind comments here guys – really appreciated and hope to meet you all again soon (or maybe work with you in the future). Keep in touch with what you’re doing…

    re: your question Kim – it’s about focussing on the benefit and value any social media operation brings. The fear is good – means they are asking the right questions but remember it should not mean they are not willing to try new things.

    Ask : does it save you time / money? Does it enable you to engage with your audience? Does it enable you to create content on the go and create digital takeaways for your audiences? Does it enable you to reach out to your global network to find new ways of doing what your doing? (Btw, it’s ‘yes’ to them all)

    If after all that they’re still not open to it, time to look for another place to work maybe?

  7. DK,

    Thanks for the response to my question – that’s actually very helpful and I may take that list of questions and work them into my notes somewhere for reporting back to my organisation.

    I’m hoping (possibly a little optimistically) that it won’t come to that final ultimatum, but we’ll see as it’s been an on-going uphill struggle to get any kind of social media engagement going here.

  8. DK/Kim

    Apologies for the late response (unforgivable), but I currently work part-time in local government (a District Council) and am trying to get the SMT to embrace some aspects of social media *beyond* an arbitary twitter presence and flickr account.

    One of the ways I’m trying to get them enthused is by organising a lunchtime session showing these:

    By using these highly visual bite-size films I hope we can get some actual commitment to allowing employees time to have a play, and then report back on why and how they should/will use social media to improve their service area.

    Obviously I agree with DK in what he says, the frustration is that we *know* social media can and will enable efficiency savings and improve services in a new decade of cuts, but I guess the best you can do is get them engaged, then follow up with a (business) plan that doesn’t cost much, and has some shortish-term metrics!

    I’ll let you know how I get on and good luck to you too.

    best regards

    Matt H, MediaSnackers cultural bod

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