Milton Keynes Youth Service Staff Conference


Speaking and masterclass.

(WORLD) Hightailing it from Swansea after the Young People, Mobile and Internet Technologies 08, I'm here at the Milton Keynes Youth Service staff conference delivering a keynote plus a masterclass.

DK delivered an inspring presentation to over 100 youth workers, Connexions personal advisers and play workers.  He showed them a wide variety of ways to work with young people using a wide variety of technology.  All staff really enjoyed the day and it had excellent outcomes in the Service now having its own social networking group which is further developing initiatives for and with young people.

Sue Payne, Head of Youth Services

We'll also be back next month delivering our two day youth professionals training to some of the staff here so this is a great opportunity introduce the ideas and benefits of using social media.

Milton Keynes Youth Service Staff Training Part Two

MediaSnackers Speaking

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!