SEYP Keynote


A great speaking gig.

(GBR) At the beginning of the week MediaSnackers delivered a keynote presentation at the South East Youth Partnership AGM in Guildford. The partnership comprises of all the 19 Local Authority Statutory Youth Services and Councils for Voluntary Youth Services and the theme for the AGM was Communication.

We met some great people and would like to thank them all for their hospitality and warm comments:

DK presented to the South East Youth Partnership AGM and turned it from a meeting into an event. He was challenging, thought provoking and his enthusiasm was contagious. We are now all aware of how much we did not know. The room was buzzing with ideas these managers were going to take back to their work place and their workers to improve and facilitate the conversations with young people.

This was one presentation that really will make a difference.
Hilary Lewis, Chief Executive, South East Youth Partnership

MediaSnackers Speaking

MediaSnackers is currently in 'permanent pause' mode—check out where most of the juicy action is at nowadays!