Feel free to download the FREE pdf which include all websites, links and references from the masterclass :
Sign up to the MediaSnackers digest—FREE monthly resource providing a sample of the latest posts from the MediaSnackers 'blog' plus other news and insights.
Other stuff we do :
- digest—FREE monthly email resource providing a sample of the latest posts from our 'blog' plus other news and insights
- podcasts—snack-sized chats with individuals, organisations or companies who are impressing us and crying out for more discussion
- consulting—we’ve worked with games manufacturers trying to develop social media strategies to launch their new titles, arts/music venues on ways to communicate better to their audiences, youth services on embedding social media into their promotional campaigns…
- training—beginners, intermediate and/or advanced level offerings
- speaking—DK has spoken on four continents, keynoted large scale events, delivered countless masterclass sessions and moderated panels at International conferences
- events—the whole company / organisation brought up to speed on social media and enthused to go away and start playing with a purpose
For full details check out our services page.
Question to ask? Statement to make? Compliment to make…feel free to leave a comment below or contact us here.