The hub for learning and virtual worlds monthly podcast series.
(WORLD) The thirty sixth RezEd monthly podcast, produced by MediaSnackers with Global Kids.
Featuring Thomas Malaby, Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and author of Making Virtual Worlds: Linden Lab and Second Life, plus an ‘In Dialogue’ session with Lou Ann Phillips, the Virtual Worlds Coordinator of the National eXtension Initiative and Ron Festa, the Virtual Worlds Administrator at the Division of Continuous Education & Outreach at Rutgers University.
Audio Player0.00—0.24 intro
0.25—1.58 RezEd news with Amira and Krista at Global Kids (any news or events can be submitted here)
2.43—3.21 intros with Thomas Malaby
3.22—4.06 background to Making Virtual Worlds: Linden Lab and Second Life
4.07—5.26 values and the system
5.27—7.01 educators and Second Life
7.02—7.35 time at Linden Labs
7.36—8.44 things to keep in mind
8.45—8.49 thanks/outro
In Dialogue
8.50—9.22 intros to Lou Ann Phillips and Ron Festa
9.23—10.13 are virtual worlds plateauing (LAP)
10.14—13.13 background to LAP and her role
13.14—14.05 what they do in Second Life
14.06—15.28 background to RF and his role
15.03—17.55 class to learn virtual worlds before using it
17.56—20.03 learning curve required to use virtual worlds (LAP)
20.04—22.05 learning from doing
22.06—25.24 any other virtual world use (RF & LAP)
25.25—25.30 thanks / outro
25.31—27.30 Amira and Krista detailing the upcoming events for the RezEd community (any news or events can be submitted here)
27.31—27.39 outro
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