Live blogging.
(GBR) MediaSnackers is at the NYA Youth Summit. We’re speaking later on about new media and technology which should be fun. We’re also live blogging (as much as possible) the event—see below:
DK’s insights into how young people are now using new media and technology capped off the first day of the conference with energy and enthusiasm. A definite hit with the delegates.
Steve Moore, Channel 4 Consultant
Kim Catcheside, Education and Social Affairs Correspondent, BBC opened the Summit and challenged the assumption that young people hanging around is not a criminal offense. Government is now focussed on consulting young people on how the set their strategies and commitments.
Played a short film featuring a tour by Parmjit Dhanda MP (Minister for Children and Families) to understand and get the views of young people.
Tom Wylie, Chief Executive of the NYA was next up. Focussed on a new government and changing political landscape surrounding the policies for young people plus the new 10 year spending review. Challenged what ‘good’ looks like. We have to empower young people to be part of the process (especially disadvantaged young people). In the business of promoting the health and devlopment of young people.
Tom also took the opportunity to state what is still needed in terms of a skilled workforce, sufficient and sustained resources, research and development and even a national youth board.
There was a brief panel discussion with John Coughlan, Joint President, Association of Directors of Children’s Services, someone from the NYA, and another representative from The Muslim Youth Foundation—all picking through different points but mainly focussed on the governmental policies and commitments. There were a few questions and responses for the panel to wrestle with but my digits aren’t that fast :-)
After the break is Ben Page, Managing Director, Public Affairs and Chairman, Social Research Institute, Ipsos MORI who gave a presentation ‘What do Young People think of Public Services?’. Woe!Challenged the notion of judging young people as a mass. Gave great quotes directly from young people which raised a chuckle but within provided deep insights. 71% of press coverage is negative about young people. Showed a government survey which illustrated that the need for activities for young people always come out top (for different reasons depending on who you are though) but for the last 6 years.
There are different cultural trends which affect beliefs about the future. Young people believe life decisions are ‘reversible’. They have also become mossivley sophisticated consumers and they know it. Top 4 worries for 7-14 years olds: Exams, schoolwork/teachers, rght clothes and being bullied. You have to get the language right and offer older role models with brand ethos.
There was then three presentations from young people themselves: the Maypole Action Group who showed a film about how they changed the estate where they lived and the park the payed in by carrying out questionnaires and creating a DVD. They also got a lot of respect and were presented awards by the Mayor and local community. Then there was a similar project presented by some young people from Barnet who took a bus and redesigned it with music decks and other equipment which provided them with a touring facility. The final was a group of young people raising funds for something which I couldn’t hear what. Again they had a video to show of their concert. Fun stuff.
Andrew Simmons, Chief Executive for Connexions Hertfordshire to provide a response to the presentations. He talked about how they used to consult with young people. They didn’t think across the services and also they were an assumption for how young people get involved. Now focussed on how young people get involved in every aspect of the services (with resources put aside). Very honestly saying theyy have 20/30 years of a way of working to break down and do it differently with young people.
Currently hosting a break out session (in partnership with Channel 4) with some young people and allowing them to define the conversation.
Went well and here’s the short video we made with some participants:
Just getting ready to go on stage and take on the topic of ‘engaging young people through new media’…
MediaSnackers went down well. We challenged, joked and illustrated the changing world young people are in with new media and technology. Our big take-away was exploring the paradigm shift away from consultation to conversation. Thank you to all the generous people who approached us with nice words. Thanks also to Channel 4 for inviting us to be involved.
Check out our flickr photostream plus there’s some videos to watch on the Summits YouTube Channel.
Live Blogging at the NYA Youth Summit