The MediaSnackers Meme #8


Keeping track of the growing MediaSnackers Meme.

(WORLD) We probably weren't the first to apply the 'snacking' metaphor to media, although there seems to be a growing adoption in terms of describing the new youth-media landscape—we thought it would be good to keep an eye on the growing MediaSnacking meme:

In other words, could our media snacking habit be shifting our relationships and conversations to increasingly becoming wider, but more superficial instead of focused and deep? Or do you find rather that it opens doors to great relationships?
Great questions posed by the media philosopher.
There seems to be two ends of the spectrum of change—on the one hand, media snacking on bite sized movies, the more homemade the better is counter and on ther hand, a thirst for increasingly refined hig end production on entertainment formats like games and cinema—HD is here, 3D is back and full immersion ultra realistic games are fact.
Observations from this years Media Summit.
Media Snackers—Ok… so this is not actually a trend as much as it is a demo, but I had to include it. Consuming large amounts of media in small bit size portions all throughout the day has opened up countless new formats for advertising. We are all snacking on media whenever and wherever we like.
Listing five possible advertising trends this year.
…feeling like media snacking…
A short and sweet tweet.
Kids are early adopters of new technology and at Turner we have realised the importance of fulfilling their digital needs. The enhancements on were inspired by our target group's evolving media snacking habits and the increasing number of broadband users and Internet penetration in India.
Vivek Krishnani, Executive Director of Marketing for Turner Entertainment Asia Pacific, talking about the changes in his sector/business.

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